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       The Institute of International Studies, Ramkhamhaeng University (IIS-RU)

       Scholarships are available for excellent students.


       Scholarship criteria

  • Applicants must have studied and completed more than 2 regular academic semesters.
  • Applicants must have GPA of 3.80 or above, without repeating any course(s) and never got F or I result(s).
  • Applicants must have registered in all the offered courses according to study plan.
  • Bachelor’s degree students can apply for the scholarship for 3 times maximum.
  • Applicants must not have late - registration record.
  • Applicants must have good behaviors, etiquettes, and manners of being the student in IIS-RU.

       Document preparation


       Should you have any enquiries regarding to application deadline and requirements please directly contact the office  IIS-RU.