Ramkhamhaeng Institute of Languages (RIL)
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Ramkhamhaeng Institute of Languages (RIL) was officially established with the vision of Former President, Associate Professor Rangsan Saengsook in November 2001. As English is the international language for communication, education and trade, Ramkhamhaeng Institute of Languages (RIL) thus was established on the 4 floor of Sukhothai building with the aid from Japanese government by providing visual-audio language laboratory to the university, including 4 classrooms and 160 seats.

Ramkhamhaeng Institute of Languages (RIL) began its operation in March 2002 RIL is responsible for developing and administering the English Proficiency Test from level 1 to level 6 for those people who first entering the university training. The training focuses mainly on four different communicative skills, including speaking, listening, reading and writing in order to enhance students’ English language ability in outside regular classroom environment. RIL also provides remedial classes in a small classroom for students. In doing so, students learn English with face-to-face interaction.

In addition, Ramkhamhaeng Institute of Languages (RIL) offers wide ranges of foreign languages along with Thai classical dance and music for people both locally and internationally. Language training and other courses include General English, English for Specific Purposes, TOEIC, TOELF, English for Graduate Studies, Korean, Japanese, Mandarin Chinese, French, Thai for Foreigners, ASEAN languages (Bahasa Indonesia, Filipino and Burmese) and Thai Classical Dance and Music (In regarding to Thai classical music instruments, it comprises of Ranat-ek, Ranat-thum, Khong-wong-lek, Khong- wong-yai, Saw-duang, Saw-u and Khim).

For further information, please contact at www.ril.ru.ac.th