Places to Visit
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In Bangkok, there are many interesting place to visit like ancient community, temple and palace. Likewise, many museums in Bangkok exhibit wonderful collection of antique object. Some museums organize temporary display offering a variety of interesting themes and issues. The best place to start visiting is the National Museum its collections spanning all periods of Thai history. The museum presents the introduction to the country's art, sculpture and architecture. The tourist will give a wonderful insight into Thailand's diversity of culture and unique heritage. Another interesting museum is Queen Sirikit museum of textile in grand palace. This museum belongs to the queen project to support the traditional craftsmanship of Thai people especially Thai textile heritage. Her royal majesty aware of the indigenous knowledge will slowly disappear. The future generation may not know any more about our nation’s properties. So, this museum is established to conserve the intellectual cultural heritage in making textile of local people which indicates the identity of Thai ethnicity in each part of Thailand. If you are boring the intensity in Bangkok, you may visit calm and wonderful view of Thailand’s rural area. You can learn a real local life and their traditions, visit cultural attraction, historical site or take homestay with the friendly local people. Moreover, you can spend time to enjoy the environment, surrounded by the green lush forest, mountains, streams, beautiful waterfalls or beautiful beach, white sand and crystal clear sea.