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Admission Process

In general, the admission process for in-coming exchange students comprises 4 steps:

Step 1 : Incoming exchange students, both undergraduates and graduates, are nominated by their home universities, specifically indicating exchange semester periods, i.e., Fall Semester (July – November) and/or Spring Semester (December – April) or specific period of time is required.

Step 2 : The Office of International Affairs, IIS-RU sends the incoming exchange students an e-mail to confirm their nomination, including instructions for required document fulfillment.

1) Undergraduate Students

  • Application form
  • Copy of passport
  • Letter of motivation
  • Up-to-date resume
  • Copy of current official transcripts
  • Two letters of recommendation from professors or instructors
  • Letter of nomination of home university or institute

2) Graduate Students

  • Application form
  • Copy of passport
  • Letter of motivation
  • Up-to-date resume
  • Copy of current official transcripts both undergraduate and graduate levels
  • Two letters of recommendation from professors or instructors
  • Letter of nomination of home university or institute

Step 3 : The incoming exchange students complete the aforementioned forms and mail them to the Office of International Affairs, IIS-RU by the deadline. Also, the original of all required documents for application are required to send by airmail to the Office of International Affairs, IIS-RU.

Step 4 : The Office of International Affairs, IIS-RU issues a letter of acceptance to the incoming exchange students for visa application and to exchange coordinators at their respective home universities for reference.

Semester Dates
• Fall Semester or the First Semester of the Academic Year : July – November
• Spring Semester or the Second Semester of the Academic Year : December – April
• Summer Session or the Third Semester of the Academic Year : May – June

Course Registration
Course offerings and course description are provided for the incoming exchange students to seek approval of course equivalency from a home university prior to their departure. The incoming exchange students are required to do register and specify a list of selected courses before the course starts, upon acknowledgement of exchange coordinators at the home university to the Office of International Affairs, IIS-RU before the deadline.  Also, the incoming exchange students are required to fill out the form of reminder for visa extension upon their arrival.

Change/Add/Withdraw Courses
Regarding to the regulations of change, add and withdraw the courses, incoming exchange students have to contact the program coordinator to do so.  Also, please be informed that incoming exchange student will not be allowed to switch the courses they have registered to other new by themselves without getting approval from the program coordinator.


English Language Proficiency Requirements

Institute of International Studies, Ramkhamhaeng University (IIS-RU) would like to ask for help from partner universities regarding the student selection. IIS-RU fully respects its partner universities’ selection process and student qualification, and holds great faith in the colleagues of its partner universities. Hence, IIS-RU has not been requiring any language proficiency test scores. However, IIS-RU would like to ask for help from partner universities in selecting students who have either a similar level of a similar level of English as IELTS 5.5 or TOEFL (Internet – based test) 65.



The incoming exchange students from Hochschule RheinMain, University of Applied Sciences Wiesbaden Rüsselsheim (HSRM), Federal Republic of Germany, they are required to do register and specify a list of selected courses before the course starts, upon acknowledgement of exchange coordinators at the home university to the Office of International Affairs, IIS-RU within 2 days before the class start.

In regarding to change, add and withdraw the courses, incoming exchange students from Hochschule RheinMain, University of Applied Sciences Wiesbaden Rüsselsheim (HSRM), have to follow with the following regulations given below.

  • Change the course: students will be not allowed to change the course name and course code at any reason after tuition fees has been transferred to the university bank account and course codes has been specified.
  • Add the course: students who want to add more courses, they have to pay the tuition fees according to the tuition rate within the same semester. However, if students would like to add more courses in the other following semester (new semester), they have to pay the tuition fees according to the tuition rate for the new semester. Also, those who registered in the transition period of time between the first and second semesters, they have to contact exchange coordinator for their tuition payment and registration.
  • Withdraw the course: students who want to withdraw courses, they have to inform the exchange coordinator. Please be informed that they will not be allowed to switch from old courses to other new courses by themselves without getting approval from exchange coordinator. Also, all tuition fees have been paid for the old courses will not be refundable.