Notification of Non-Degree Program
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General Notifications for Non-Degree Program

Required Documents upon Arrival:

Students must report to the IIS - RU office, they shall submit the following documents upon their arrival:

  • Acceptance Letter
  • One original color photograph 2 inches taken not more than six months prior to application date
  • Certified photocopy of Identity card or Passport
  • Official copy of the degree qualification or equivalent academic level
  • Academic records, (transcript) issued by the university where the degree was completed.

Note: Documents will be personally presented by students applying without prior validation:


Registration for non-degree program will be held year-round. Consequently, students who have been accepted must pay the registration fee at any bank by informing the number of registration fee and the course code to the bank officer, including the pay-in slip showing the student’s name. After the payment at the bank, students must bring the original payment slip to the program coordinator in exchange with the temporary receipt.

The non-degree program coordinator will process only complete applications accompanied by all required documents and pay-in slip. A temporary receipt, which is used as the student ID card and use to show the immigration officer for visa extension. Students should be aware to keep it well. In case students lost the receipt, a copy of the receipt is required.

Students must submit all required documents before the first day of class, otherwise the application will consider being incomplete and the application shall be voided and the student visa would be cancelled.


Payment Method:

  1. Cash transfer can be made through the Thai Military Bank (TMB),
    Ramkhamhaeng University branch,
    you will then receive the payment form with Comp. Code #818 to transfer the money into our bank account number 1561070259
  2. Cashier Cheque can be made through any bank, payee to “Ramkhamhaeng University”


* Student must possess the full and correct qualifications in accordance with the requirement application of the University. If any one of the qualifications is found to be false or any of the documents, used in the application is not according to the regulations, the University is to revoke the student status immediately. The University does not have to refund the tuition nor any maintenance fees, which have been paid whatsoever. Additionally, all the grades achieved are considered invalid.

**Money orders and bills of exchange are not accepted. After the payment, the registration will be completed.                                                                                        

***Students that have successfully graduated Bachelor’s degree is capable of registering for both the Master’s and Bachelor’s classes, however, please be aware that IIS will clearly note down and separating the courses from the Master’s and Bachelor’s program. Students cannot take Bachelor’s courses in replacement of the Master’s courses.

****Students who have not yet graduated the Bachelor’s degree cannot attend and register for the Master’s degree courses.

***** Student registered in non-degree program both at undergraduate and postgraduate levels will not be allowed to transfer the obtained credits to any full-time degree programs at IIS-RU.

****** Students who are uncertain as to which courses he/she can get approval from their home university for obtaining the grades and credit transfer will be allowed to sit in the first two days when the class starts without tuition fee payment. Please note that textbook will not be distributed. After the period of the first two days of the class started, he/she will be required to register, pay the tuition fee, and specify the course code or course number no later than Wednesday of the second week after the class started. Tuition fee payment after this specified time will not be accepted for any reason.


Change/Add/Withdraw Courses:

  • Regarding the change to the course, student will not be allowed to change the course name and course code for any reason, after the tuition fees have been transferred to university’s bank account.
  • Regarding the adding of courses, student who intends to add more courses, has to pay the additional tuition fees according to the tuition rate in the same semester. However, if student intends to add more courses in the following semester, the tuition fee payment will be based on the tuition rate in the consecutive semester.
  • Withdraw the course: students who want to withdraw courses, they have to inform the non-degree program coordinator. Please be informed that they will not be allowed to switch from old courses to other new courses by themselves without getting approval from program coordinator. Also, all tuition fees have been paid for that old course will not be refundable.


Students have to bring the required documents for changing the course:

  • A copy of the Identity Card for foreign students
  • The original Temporary Receipt indicated the proof that students have paid the tuition fees for the mentioned courses.


Student Certificate:

Due to the procedure of making the Student ID Card at RU is time consuming and due to the short period of study for non-degree students, the program coordinator will offer the student certificate for the non-degree students upon request instead. The non-degree students can use this student certificate for entry to the central library and to receive the reduction of any facilities in the university campus, i.e., fitness center or medical and health center.


Course Materials:

Due to the reason that most course materials need to be shipped from oversea in which IIS would need to order a month or two in advance with the exact amount of number of the registered students ,so , this would cause the reason for non-degree students to not receive the original textbook on time or on first day of class.

IIS might need to make a copy of the whole textbook for non-degree students instead of purchasing the original as it is time consuming. However, please contact your non-degree and/or MBA program coordinator to put down your name for the course as soon as your decision and registration is finalized.

Students must present the Temporary Receipt every time that student wants to collect text book for any courses.



After receiving the acceptance letters, students should contact the Thai Royal Embassy in request for the student “ED” visa and/or re-entry / multiple-entry.

This will enable students the valid of 90 days stamp on arrival at the immigration of the Bangkok Airport and students will have to be aware of the date on the small stamp that the immigration stamped for them at the airport.


If students are required to do visa extension during their stay Thailand, students must contact the visa liaison officer at the IIS office, minimum of 1 month before the expiry date.

There are two most important documents which we would request from students to do visa extension:

  • A completed request form for visa extension
  • A copy of the Identity Card or Passport for international students
  • A copy of the Temporary Receipt as the proof that students have paid the tuition fees.

Note: students should submit complete documents all at once otherwise this will cause the delay of the procedure.


Completion of the Study:

Students who have completed all registered courses must request for the academic transcript of record. Students must submit the following documents:

  • Completed request form for academic transcript of record.
  • A copy of Identity Card or Passport for international Students.
  • A copy of Temporary Receipt indicated the proof that students have paid the tuition fees and the information of the course codes.

IIS-RU reserves the right to examine documents and qualifications of an applicant at any time. If it is found that an applicant does not meet the required qualifications and acceptance has already been given, the announcement of acceptance shall be cancelled.

IIS-RU may not offer any courses of study as specified in the curriculums in any given semester depending on the number of enrollees and my therefore resume the course in a subsequent semester.

IIS-RU reserves the right to make adjustments relating to the admission schedule, tuition fees, and courses of study without prior notice.


Contact Info

Institute of International Studies, Ramkhamhaeng University

7th Floor, RU Printing Press Building, Huamark, Bangkapi

Bangkok 10240, THAILAND

Phone: (66)2310 8895-9

Fax: (66)23108897

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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