Arthur Maloisel
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Arthur Maloisel, an exchange student at IIS-RU in 2014-2015 from EDC Paris Business School, France

Doing an academic exchange for one year in IIS-RU was a wonderful experience.

Considering the academic level, I had to work as a group with people from all around the world. This allowed me to discover and understand different cultures within a working environment.

Studying with native English teachers made me improve my English level. It also was interesting to have an overview of the business philosophy of teacher from different countries such as Cuba, USA, Denmark etc.

The integration within the social life in the university was very easy. The Thai student were all very helpful for every issue you can have and are very likely to be friend and discover our culture.

The administration is also very helpful with exchange students. They helped me for the VISA issue, to select and register the subject I’ve chosen.

The administration of IIS also organized a volunteer day in which I went to teach English young monk in a temple. This experience was really amazing.

Talking about life outside the university, Bangkok is a wonderful city with so many things to see, do and discover.

The location of Bangkok allows traveling within and outside Thailand very easily and for little money.

I would like to thank every person who made this exchange program possible and every person that made it amazing.