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Experience studying and travelling abroad in Montpellier

I am a second year student, majoring in Finance and Banking that have been selected for study abroad program in IAE Montpellier School of Management, Montpellier University in year 2014/2.

Many people told me that living in France is not easy because the different of culture and language, but for me it is not that difficult because Montpellier is a calm city, there are lots of students here and people are nice. I was impress that French people try their best to communicate with me. Life in IAE is not different from IIS-RU, we know certain date that we have class, so it was easy to make a travel plan and I visited many cities like Barcelona, Ales and Zurich. The class surrounding with many international students, skillful teachers and they provide ‘French as a foreign language’ class for international student too. I would like to say that experience that I have got is worthiness.

Plyopailin Niemchaona


My life in here it was great, at first time it seem to be difficult from language weather and lifestyle but every thing went well after a few week.

Life in University is really good but some time I didn’t understand the professor because of the accent but it get better and I get use to with it. I also have a really nice friend and have change to go travel in Barcelona Spain it was cool and made me so happy. Lastly I would like to say even good or bad time that I was in here it will be one of the best memory and great experience for my life.

Wasawat Atiyossapong

Agu Ogbonna Jasper originally came from Nigeria and joined International Summer School at Pukyong National University, Busan, South Korea in 2014

Hello, Nice to meet you meet you here, Have you ever experienced life outside your geographical area, Have you been able to live and adapt in an entirely different environment other than the one you are quite used to, of different cultures in many ways (language, food, greetings, dressing etc., and have you ever met with friends whom you thought you wouldn’t have met if certain opportunities were not created, the people you met, are they wonderful, educative, generous and accommodative as those that I met during my stay in Pukyong National University? No wonder they said that; “Travelling is part of education”

The Pukyong National University Summer School of July, 2014 was indeed amazing and interesting one as it really gave me an opportunity to meet, make wonderful friends and share a lot of academics and cultural experiences with students from 15 different countries of the world, thereby creating in me an indelible experience that has exposed me to many life and academic goals which I now pursue with much enthusiasm knowing fully well that education is power.

Saw Soe Min Htwe

Exchange student Experience in Republic of Korea

          Hello, I’m Saw Soe Min Htwe. I have a marvelous time as an exchange student in Republic of Korea. By being an exchange student, you will have a big change to experience a new culture, learning a new language, making new friends and above all personal development. The university that I attended is Kyonggi University and you can expect great things from studying there. All the professors are expert in their fields and they always encourage me to improve and develop my critical thinking. Making new friends from other countries and spending times with them are memories that worth saving. Traveling around the Republic of Korea is like living in a new world, the weather is mostly fresh and cool and the foods are satisfying. Give a chance to be an exchange student in Republic of Korea as all the great experiences can be expected.

Alexander Kurilko originally came from Russia and joined exchange program in business courses at Institut d’Administration des Enterprises, Université Montpellier 2 Sciences et Techniques (IAE-Montpellier), France in 2014.

"Study at the IIS was a good expierence. I meet so many people from different countries. All IIS-RU staff, students, teachers very friendly and helpful. All courses were interesting and instructive. This exchange program gave me a good experience about study, communication to people, learn different languages, and also travel around Europe. It was something new for me. I analyzed many things and I changed my vision about the world around me."